Sunday 20 June 2010

Something to Say?

I enjoy reading comments. I honestly believe that I'm not alone in that and that comment sections actually for the large part enhance digital content. But some sites do seem to attract absolutely rubbish comments ranging from pointless to truly derogatory. Stephen Fry actually brought this point to light with what I feel is a fantastic description, "bottom feeders." The position of the comment section along with the ability for contributors to hide behind avatar and alias has meant that this is a fitting term. Don't mistake me here, sometimes I throughly enjoy reading pointless arguments about poor grammar, or conflicting opinions on MPs expenses. 

What is good to see though, is positive constructive discussion, praise and indeed criticism. Also what is brilliant to see is interaction within the comments by the author. I saw this on Vimeo recently and it got me thinking about other comment sections on other sites. What if local press journalists engaged with local people by involving themselves in the comment sections. I actually do believe that properly moderated and respectable places for people to offer their opinion especially in the local sector can become an way to engage people with their local news sites. I think it is this engagement that is crucially lacking from local sites. 

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